Honorarium FAQ

Do you have questions about your earned honorarium? Or are you just curious as to how it works? Please review our frequently asked questions section below for answers to commonly asked honorarium questions.

  • Q: How do I receive my honorarium?
    • A: After completing a paid research study, your honorarium will be listed as “Pending” in your account. Once your responses have been checked for quality and consistency, your honorarium will be moved to “Final”. At this point, you may login to the Physicians Round Table member area and redeem your earned honoraria to a PayPal account. Additional payment options will be available in the future. Your earned honorarium is typically available for redemption within 4-6 weeks following your participation.

If you are still unable to resolve your issue after trying these steps, please feel free to respond to this email and one of our support representatives will be happy to help, or call 303-895-3576.